The Greenaway to live

Tobin and I have just got back from a pretty amazing few days in Cornwall. We were kindly invited to the Greenaway Pro. This is a week long of events to celebrate the life of Tom Greenaway, a local lad who tragically died in 2007. It's a celebration of his life but is quickly transcending into a point in time where people with common threads in their lives can come together and celebrate living, working, playing and dreaming together.

We were not able to make the surfing competition but we heard that a great vibe was woven right through the whole event and the feedback from the surfers was that it was a lovely event to do. 

We rocked up on the Friday evening to the St.Ives cinema, slightly intimidated by the number of cool people standing around in the queue, but quickly we realised there were some good people there and happy souls to spend the evening with. Like a dork I managed to chat for a while with Mickey Smith, the curator of the evening, with no knowledge of who he was (except he has been an inspiration to me the last 2 years!). It was only once he was on stage I realised my blunder.

The evening was hosted by Finisterre. They had made up some great displays of their latest threads and delivered it all in a way that makes you want to get a map out and find somewhere cold and inhospitable to go on a trip with your friends. These guys have really captured the essence of being a cold water surfer.....the adventure, the discovery and the passion of what it is to be surfer, on an island, on the edge of the elements. Keep making and we'll keep wearing! Check out their latest line here:

The evening kicked off with Mickey presenting some more of his gorgeous gritty monochrome offerings of Ireland, Tome Lowe, Aileens and huge cliff tops for us to ponder what it must be like to live and surf in the wild west coast of Ireland. Inspiring....but not enough for me to want to try it... at that size anyway.

The cold wind batters the towering cliffs
rising out of the emerald isle,
 like towers of menace,
protecting the land from waves
sent by the ocean in rage.

Down below two lone figures wait 
giving grace to the waves without fear 
riding these grinding oppressive beasts
with only seabirds as a witness.

Interspersed between beautiful films and new music talent were some inspiring words from people with unique visions of our world. Many tears were shed around us as people paid homage to Tom Greenaway and the unfulfilled potential that life can bring unless you grab hold of every opportunity and make it a positive one.

The evening left us feeling blessed to have been there and witness the pooling together of thoughts, words and talent of a special group of people and made us wonder how many more inspiring people, words and stories must be out there.......... un-listened, unspoken, unsung.

Saturday night was all about one thing. Pure fun, chilling and celebrating life. True to form, people gathered from miles around and partied hard for themselves, each other and Tom. 

Ben Howard was immense at this event, he played with a passion and ease like i've not seen before and whipped the crowd up into a frenzy of good vibes and awe. Sam Fender was a great discovery also and had such a hilarious self depreciating style and a voice that belied his age. The whole evening was a coming together of kindred souls in a venue that was perfect for expressing their spirit..........enough said!

We never knew Tom Greenaway, our paths might have crossed one day...maybe not. We might have liked Tom. Maybe not. One thing is for sure, We like Tom's friends, their passion, their kindmanship, their fun and their spirit. We're sure Tom is living on....

In one of the Friday night moments, Ernie from Finisterre shared some thoughts with the audience that rang so true with Tobin and I...

   Tell me who you are with and I will tell you who you are
 - Mama Capbert

A great weekend and an event that we would recommend to anyone. All proceeds will go to charity which leaves a glow that makes you realise that the UK surfing community is alive, well and charging....

Thanks to The Greenaway Pro, Mickey Smith, Finisterre, Ben Howard, Surfers Against Sewage and friends for a weekend to remember.

- Nick Hounsfield

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