Today is the launch of our rewards-based crowdfunding campaign to fund some of the key sustainability plans for our development.

The campaign will run up until 22nd December and has a target of £150K.

For more information and/or to get involved in the campaign visit

The rewards available to the public range from a shout out on Facebook (£10); a limited edition Finisterre t-shirt (£30); annual membership (£350) or a VIP company away day (£15,000).

We want this project to be sustainable in all senses, including socially and environmentally. We have ambitious plans to sustainably power the site and eventually take it off-grid. The money raised via the Crowdfunding campaign will allow us to fast-forward these plans and look at putting in some of these elements at build stage. The Making Waves Foundation will support a range of community initiatives and charities, for example that may be via bursaries to allow inner-city kids to experience The Wave.

This campaign gives the community the power to back some of the elements of this project that will make a positive difference, whether that’s environmentally or socially. I think that’s really exciting.

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