The Making Waves Foundation launched.

The Making Waves Foundation is a registered charity that is being developed to enable The Wave: Bristol to meet, and hopefully exceed, its sustainability goals. 

“The Wave will be building the ‘triple bottom line’ of sustainability into the DNA of the project. In simple terms this means we’ll minimise our environmental foot-print, maximise our social impact and be financially prudent, whilst ensuring our output (waves, fun and relaxation) is as great as possible! Importantly by building sustainability in from the outset we can really deliver on this angle as retro fitting is often cost prohibitive.” Chris Hines MBE – Head of Sustainability for The Wave Bristol: Founder of Surfers against Sewage and former director of sustainability at the Eden Project

The Making Waves Foundation ensures the delivery of the core objectives for The Wave developments. These include:
• Increase children and young peoples educational attainment.
• Increase the number of older people enjoying a higher quality of life.
• Improve young peoples employment readiness.
• Improve the physical and mental well being of children and young people.
• Increase the number of older people participating in social, cultural and active lifestyles.
• Create a rehabilitative environment for ex-servicemen and women with physical and emotional needs.
• Integrate generations to encourage greater respect between them.
• Create access to nature and leisure facilities for ill/terminally sick and disabled people.
• Help disadvantaged young people engage with society in a positive way.

In order to achieve these objectives, The Making Waves Foundation has a number of trustees who will be responsible for the key decisions within the charity:

Phil Williams
Phil is national director for the Christian Surfers Europe charity and has over 25 years of experience in youth work across Bristol. As well as being a trustee for the Making Waves Foundation, Phil is also a trustee for Charity Surf Relief UK and Charity Tubestation, and if that wasn’t enough, he’s also director of Surfing GB.

Phil is hugely passionate about surfing as well as getting involved in a variety of charity work and social enterprise projects. He sees the Making Waves Foundation as a great vehicle for helping out the local community and building on the vision that the The Wave Bristol project is based on. 

Natalie Fee
Natalie Fee is the presenter/producer of 'The Source', Made in Bristol TV's daily magazine show. She's also one of Bristol's Happiness Champions, a environmental campaigner for cleaner seas, songwriter, poet and author of 'The Everyday Alchemist's Happiness Handbook' (Findhorn Press). Find her at or on Twitter.

Pete Wilkins
Pete has been surfing for around 19 years and is currently working as a quality professional at GE subsea systems in Nailsea. Pete studied boat building at Solent University and Mechatronics at Teeside University. Before working at GE, Pete was a surf instructor, a beach life guard and spent five years as chairperson for the Bristol Surf Club.

Pete strongly believes in the power of surfing for good and sees being a trustee of the Making Waves Foundation as a fantastic opportunity to push the empowerment, wellbeing and health benefits of surfing to people of all backgrounds. 

Darren Hall
Darren began his career as an RAF Engineering Officer. After completing an MBA with the Open University in 2000, he took a year off to travel. Darren returned to public service  with the Home office, becoming the Regional Crime & Drugs Manager located in Bristol as part of Government Office for the South West. His most recent role was as Manager of the Bristol Green Capital Partnership where he project managed the team that won the 2015 European Green Capital Award. He is currently the Executive Director of Big Green Week Community Interest Company ( and is running for parliament as the candidate for the Green Party in Bristol West.  

Darren is the founding Director of The Pale Blue, and is the founder and editor of Good Bristol magazine. He is a surfer and life member of Surfers Against Sewage, a cyclist and photographer.


The Wave: Bristol’s reward-based Crowdfunder launched on Monday 24th November at 7pm with the aim to raise funds to deliver on a number of goals to help enrich the local community. 

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