The Wave of Eating ( Part 1 )

When we go to a shop or restaurant, we take it for granted that the shelves & menu will be full, having magically come from somewhere. Every day this food has to be produced, transported, bought and sold, cooked, eaten & disposed of….and this has to happen every day in every city/town on earth.

We live around supermarkets as if they're the most natural thing in the world, forgetting that we are actually as dependent on the natural world as our ancient ancestors were. 19,000,000 ha of rainforest are lost every year to create new arable land and a similar amount of land is lost every year through salinisation and land destruction.

It takes 10 cal to produce every 1 cal of energy we consume, and even though there are great quantities of food created at great cost, we do not seem to value it. Half the food that is produced in the USA is thrown away.1 billion of us are overweight whilst 1 billion of us starve. 

80% of global food production is controlled by just five multinational corporations….…

The world and civilisations have been shaped by food and we can use food as a really powerful tool to shape the world differently. Food should be at the centre of life, should be celebrated, it should be enjoyed by people taking time for it. It's important to have networks, to have markets, to have places where people can touch, smell & taste local produce. This is why we want to deliver a genuine food experience whilst also connecting people with nature and its valuable resources.

There is a deeply engrained symbiotic relationship between healthy food, healthy children and a healthy planet.

Our vision for the food at The Wave is based around producing and serving food that promotes the long-term health and viability of:

  • the earth
  • farmers and farmworkers 
  • restaurants workers 
  • all those who we nurture with food, including our guests, our friends, our families….

…and promote these values to the next generation.

Photos: Sarah Tuck

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