The Wave of thinking......

The Wave is a fresh thinking brand that cares about people, planet and policy. 

We use surfing as tool for positive change. Our key focus right now is building an inland surf destination in Bristol UK. Why? 

To create perfect, peeling waves close to an inland city and deliver the health and social benefits of water, waves and their humbling strength will be incredible. Whilst people visit they will be able to sample fresh, locally produced nutritious food. They will be able to learn about engineering, physics, ecology, sustainable design. They will be able to learn woodland skills, learn to swim and surf and be outdoors in nature and socialising. As an island with a seafaring heritage it is crazy that most school kids in the UK cannot swim and are not confident in water. We live in a world where kids are out of touch with nature and each other. This is one of the possible causes of some emotional health issues kids are increasingly suffering from. We will be helping The Wave Project deliver mentored surf therapy to help health practitioners refer kids for help. 

We have also created and inherited a littered and toxic planet, we're working with @surfersagainstsewage to educate and grow a generation of people who clean up the mess and campaign to get policy changes which will influence the long term health of our oceans and therefore planet. 

Our facility will also support Surfing GB as a training facility for our surfing talent. We're working with the local universities at renewable energy development, wave energy systems. The National Composite Centre is also keen to work with our Surfboard partners to experiment with new bio-composites and design the toxicity out of the surf industry. 

There are so many angles to this development, but all of them are driven from a desire to do the best we can and working with the best we can. It's an amazing journey which we hope you will join us on. 

Shortly we are due to make some big announcements and updated timelines for when we are developing/opening. Watch this space.


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