Naked Bodysurfing with Tigger Newling

Naked Bodysurfing with Tigger Newling

by Sam Bleakley
Cartoon Robbie MacIntosh

Cool blue peaks turned white hot at full tide, sets held taut by a stiff offshore. Heavy foam pulverised the shore-break. A snapped board seemed imminent, so I switched board for body, left my longboard on the beach and swam into the closeouts. No carving cutbacks, no criss-cross, just straight lines. In the fading light the faces went green and greasy and I slipped under the curtain into the dread silence of a barrel. Spat up the shore I fumbled home in the rising moon, memories stained deep green.

“I’d forgotten about the pure stoke of bodysurfing,” I said to my wife Sandy, draining nostrils and clearing crispy ears. It felt good to be intoxicated with saline, but it was nothing compared to a bodysurfing session Tigger Newling had enjoyed. “Sexy in fact,” said Tigger. Tuned in British surfers will remember Tigger as one of the countries counter cultural surfing icons of the late Sixties and Seventies when minds expanded and boards contracted. He also won the British Championships in blistering surf at Freshwater West, Wales in 1973 a few years before he moved ‘Downunder’. Interviewing Tigger for a history of British surfing article, the style master set loose recalling a naked bodysurf session in the late Seventies in New Zealand:

“I was at a music festival and in classic Woodstock tradition the beach below the site became a 'clothing-optional area' where loads of people had crashed out in the sunshine. So I stripped off and swam out for a naked bodysurf - just me and my Churchill fins. The waves were nice - five feet lefts pushing across the cove and no surfers out. I had a few short ones and then stroked into a big set. I managed to get right up on one hand and hold the angle as the wave peeled all the way down the beach. It was the longest, most intense body wave I'd ever had. Just perfect. Sexy in fact - my lack of shorts allowed the powerful water flow to massage my erogenous zones creating a physiological reaction - I had become a human single fin! 

Dumped in the shore-break I had to grovel around in the shallows waiting for things to settle down so I could walk back up the beach to my friends. Trouble was the beach was packed with beautiful naked girls, delaying a return to a respectable state of non-arousal. I drew on my meditation techniques. Closing my eyes I pictured Miss Dayrimple - my horrifying violin teacher at boarding school. This shocking image quickly brought me down to earth, allowing me to make my way up the beach with a degree of modesty, gazing intently at the sand.”

Bodysurfing awakens the senses. Keep it up.

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