Making Waves Part 1

Making Waves Part 1

10 years ago I wrote an email to a company called Wavegarden hoping that they would reply. 

I had watched a few minutes earlier a video release of a mystical wave rolling down a lake in the countryside, the very day they released it.

I was mesmerised. As a long time surfer I had been having a vision of creating a space in Bristol which would get people outdoors, into nature, socialising and breaking down societal stigmas.

It took persistence but eventually I got an email from Fernando, and, after telling him my vision, we agreed to meet up.

I travelled to San Sebastián and we met, had some food and wine and immediately knew I could work with him and his amazing company.

The next day we travelled to the hills and had the first glimpse of a lake nestled in the trees by a river. It was kinda cool, but a bit surreal, travelling all this way to see a black lined still lake.

Then Fernando and Josema pushed the button…

Out of the depths something stirred and travelled along the lake like a tuna fish accelerating and getting ready to lunge into some baitfish. Then, to the side of the lake, the most perfect barrelling wave started to break along the waters edge, and grew, bigger and bigger and bigger.

I was dumb struck. Tears rolled down my cheek, at this time I knew what I was going to do in life, it was clear, I was going to build a Wavegarden.

To be continued...


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