Making Waves Part 2

When I returned back to the UK from San Sebastian, I knew the world as I knew it was changed forever. However, the reality of the enormous task ahead of me was starting to sink in… I had £500 of savings, a wife and three kids to help support, a house that needed massive renovation and a more than full time job still as an Osteopath.⠀

Almost every night I worked until 1-2am and up again at 5am to try to start building The Wave. I couldn’t sleep with excitement. It didn’t feel like work. During the day I’d be seeing patients and it felt like I had two completely separate lives! A bizarre time.⠀

I needed help though.⠀

I have always been inspired by The Eden Project and had read books and listened to talks by the creator, Sir Tim Smit. I though he would be a good person to speak to about this plan of mine.⠀

So, I managed to get hold of his PA and arranged to give him a call one lunchtime between seeing patients. I told him who I was, what I was planning to do and why I was needing to do it. ⠀

“I’m going to build a surf park, inland near Bristol, and I want it to be like a garden of Eden for surfers and people who are struggling with life, getting outdoors and needing a healing space for people of all generations. It’s going to cost millions and I have £500”⠀

I was met with a deathly silence…⠀

He then broke the sense of tumbleweed down the phone line and said:⠀

“That is one of the most ridiculous ideas I’ve ever heard…you must do it!”⠀

Having someone like Tim who is king of ridiculous ideas tell me I should do it, empowered me beyond belief. He wasn’t able to help me practically, but he gave me the rocket fuel at a much needed time to press on. He then also made an introduction to someone who became my mentor, hero and friend. ⠀

Without this guy, this whole journey would have been meaningless…⠀

To be cont’d…⠀


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