Making Waves Part 3

I was introduced to Chris Hines MBE via Sir Tim Smit. In my phone call to Tim, he said that I should get in contact with Chris as he loves crazy ideas, is a passionate surfer and is committed to creating a better world through sustainable thinking.⠀

I’d heard of Chris Hines through being a Surfers Against Sewage member and some of the SAS Balls I’d been to, I knew he was well revered in the core surfing fraternity. So I gave him a call…⠀

We decided after a quick phone call that we should meet up in Porthtowan and have a face to face meeting.⠀

He massively shaped the person that I am today and our meeting was one of the biggest single moments in building The Wave.⠀

Chris is infectious with his enthusiasm, humour, and playfulness, he has incredible energy when stirred and has a wisdom that feels like it stretches back through generations. He is so passionate about the planet, oceans and people.⠀

Chris is an incredible campaigner and activist, influencing huge government policy changes that instigated the clean up of our coastlines through £5.5 Billion investment through Water Companies. He’s not afraid of taking on big challenges and that’s why he got his MBE (he calls it Moaning Bloody Environmentalist) 

It’s safe to say we hit it off from the start and sitting in the spring sun at the Blue Bar, it was clear that we would be starting on an incredible journey together.⠀

Chris introduced me to the concept of the “Triple Bottom Line” a concept coined by John Elkington. It’s the idea that financial profit is totally acceptable as long as it is balanced with social profit and environmental profits. All three should be accounted for.⠀

We decided that this was the basis upon which we would build The Wave. A future facing business.⠀

The meet up finished with a much needed surf, 2-3ft of chilled mid-tide waves for a couple of hours before setting back off to Bristol.⠀

Chris had fuelled my fire 🔥 and I knew I had a really valuable person to help guide me onto the next stage… ⠀

To be cont’d…


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