Making Waves Part 4⠀

After seeing the Wavegarden technology in action, I needed to check what else was out there before fully committing to this path. ⠀

Now, I’m no engineer, I was good at physics, and I have a bit of an engineering brain. Osteopathy helped with that, understanding how levers work, forces, springs, tensions etc. I also have a long line of engineers and inventors in my family, one invented a car, one invented the CT Scanner, I have box loads of drawings and patents that my family have made (none of them unfortunately left me with any money to build The Wave!) ⠀

**Although as an anecdote… the relative who invented the CT Scanner, managed to fund it through The Beatles! EMI who had just made a small fortune from their album, invested it into the CT Scanner… bonkers! Anyway… sidetracked…**⠀

So I scoured the internet and properly dug deep about how to make waves, how they are formed, what systems are available, who is on the cutting edge and drew up a list of people that I needed to talk to, to visit, to do the due diligence needed to make a decision.⠀

I’ll be covering the more recent technologies in a later chapter but suffice to say, the Wavegarden Lagoon technology at that time was the best there was out there *for what we were wanting to build*.⠀

Most other waves being made were either not commercially viable or were propped up by some big residential development or theme park. That was not the route I wanted to go down, so Wavegarden was the best option.⠀

It was such a great time to be getting into this nascent industry, and I really felt that it was my duty to try and look at this industry through the “Triple Bottom Line”. If we built a surf park for surfers but actually increased the likelihood of destroying natural reefs through acidification, it would be “not just ironic but moronic” to quote Chris Hines.⠀

By this time, I had a small amount of money that was left to me after my father had recently died, that was the deposit for the Wavegarden exclusivity and initial deposit.⠀

I was all in…⠀

To be Cont’d⠀


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