Making Waves Pt 5⠀

Wavegarden Technology

Now, I’ve made a few bold decisions in life but committing myself (and my family) to The Wave has to be the biggest, so far…

I knew I needed help, I had no money, no land, no team, no experience. But, I had what I thought was a good idea and the more I told people about it, the more people thought it was a great (if not crazy) plan.⠀

We decided that we needed to go public about it for three reasons:⠀

1. It would hopefully allow us to open up conversations with investors and land owners.⠀

2. It would gauge the public opinion about what we wanted to do. If people liked the concept, they could back us. It would also allow us to get support for the concept without NIMBY’s wading in.⠀

3. It made a big statement of intent and forced me to not back out!⠀

I called a dear friend Abby Richardson  [@abbycornwall](  and Fresh PR to make a plan about how we should go about this.⠀

Chris Hines  [@chrishinessurfs](  and Abby and Lisa came up from Cornwall to Bristol to meet the Bristol Post and talk to the Editor about what we were planning.⠀

**as a sideline, at the station Chris pulled out a copy of Yvon Chouinard’s “Let my people go surfing” and said I had to read it. I then pulled out the same book from my bag! **⠀

We pitched the idea to the Editor and unequivocally he said he wanted to support us and be a big promoter of The Wave (at that time we were called Wavegarden UK).⠀

So, the local press were on board and together with Chris Hines and Fresh PR we got ready for a launch 🚀 ⠀

To be con’d…


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