Waves and Snow at The Wave Bristol

Snow at The Wave

When I woke up I definitely didn't expect to see snow. I hadn't been looking at the forecast much because The Wave is closed and whatever happens we are all going for a walk or a run everyday... so it seems pointless!

I was getting ready to go to the park with Dylan and then I realised that it is the first snowy day at The Wave. I had to go there!

So we hopped in the electric car ( I probably wouldn't have got out of the street if I still had my camper van!) and we carefully made our way to The Wave. It was super slippery!

It was so quiet on the roads and when we pulled up it was fresh tracks...

Dylan and I quickly got up onto the balcony and set the drone free...

What a sight...

Pure snow over the whole place and with perfect empty, blue waves... it was a dream.

I managed to get some shots until my bloody drone malfunctioned and it disappeared into the fields somewhere.

Thankfully after an hour I found it...so lucky!

Here's some shots...what a day x


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