
Most days I wake up and wonder how I even got here. 

It's fair to say that most of my life I have "gone with the flow" and made the most of situations/opportunities. I guess I'm a social entrepreneur, my path keeps changing but my compass is resolute.

I am founder and Chief Visionary Officer of The Wave, a beautiful destination in Bristol, UK that fuses outdoor beautiful green spaces and amazing cutting edge technology that creates perfect waves to enjoy for people of all ages, backgrounds and ability. Imagine taking an amazing slice of ocean and drop it in the countryside... that!

I am also the Chairman of Surfing England, the NGB of surfing. 

202, just before COVID, I had a massive stroke. 

It rocked my world badly, but I've been slowly rehabilitating and learning from what I have gone through and am trying to piece my life back together to make sure this world is left in a better place than I found it...

This is some background about my journey here...

In 2010, I became increasingly aware of a problem. Having worked in healthcare I realised that so many of the physical and mental health issues people were battling came about due to inactivity, a disconnection from nature, and a breakdown in connections between people. I hoped for a place that would inspire people to get active. A place where people could have the time and space to discover what's important for themselves, for other people and for the environment we all live in.

I then met Chris Hines MBE. As surfers, Chris and I knew the power of the ocean, the energy of wild spaces, the freedom and adventure that nature offers. We wondered if it were possible to tap into the joy of surfing and its many benefits, without going to the sea?  Together we built a vision of a destination that is sustainably minded and would deliver health & happiness for people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities.

The vision for The Wave is to bring surfing and its' many benefits inland, across the world. These will be set in beautiful spaces where people can relax and recoup, get back in touch with nature, play, learn and explore. A High Performance Surf Centre to help coach future surfing stars and a safe environment for beginners to learn, whatever age or ability.

With the incredible help from Craig Stoddart and Nick Asheshov, friends and seasoned businessmen, we built a team and developed a pioneering and successful business around this idea.

We set out to create a place where people could surf on consistent safe waves all year round. But we aren’t just a leisure destination and The Wave isn’t just about surfing. 
It’s about sharing incredible experiences with anyone who wants to enjoy them, in a naturally healthy space. That includes people who may often feel excluded by disability, illness, age, gender, background, income, fears or pressures to conform. We’re about improving health and wellbeing, helping people be the best version of themselves and having a shedload of fun in the process. 

Surfing is healthily addictive. It’s about the buzz you feel afterwards because you overcame a challenge, had a full-on workout and let the power of waves wash over you. Going surfing is like pushing a reset button. Senses are re-awakened. Mind, body and spirit are recharged. The Wave is a place where no-one is judged (except on competition days!) and everyone is equal and free to be themselves. There’s an old saying in surfing: “The best surfer in the water is the one having the most fun”. This is how we roll. 
The Wave Bristol was opened successfully in October 2019 amid global press and TV coverage.

The Wave London and other locations are in early stages of development and will form part of The Wave destinations which will bring the health and wellbeing benefits to millions of people across the world and revolutionise the sport in the process. 

We have been on an incredible journey, but we are still at the beginning... come join us..


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